5 Things I learned In My Study of Psalms


1 Thing I learned about God

I recently finished a study on 6 psalms with some women from church. (If you want to check it out- click here.) Out of this study came the Water Collection. Let me tell you what I learned:

  1. We are meant to be producing in the Lord.

We are likened to a tree in Psalm 1- a tree that is planted by streams of water. A tree that yields its fruit and its leaf does not whither.  I was reminded of the passage in Matthew 7- a good tree bears good fruit.  This tree is rooted and grounded in Truth and Scripture. The Source of Life is nourishment and sustainment for our souls.


2. We are meant to be resting in Him

In Psalm 23, we are likened to a sheep with the Lord as our attentive and caring shepherd.  All that we need is provided for, and therefore we can rest in Him (Matthew 6). We don’t need to worry about what we will eat or drink, or what we will wear. Because our shepherd knows that we need them. What freedom from worry that we can rest in His care beside still waters as He restores our soul.

3. We are meant to be desiring Him

Our soul is likened to a deer panting for streams of water in Psalm 42.  Like a deer, we thirst for God. We long for our God’s presence- don’t we? This psalm speaks to the deep deep hunger & need for our God. When we pour out our soul before him, wanting more of Him. It’s the Lord Himself who satisfies our soul.

4. We are meant to be renewed in Him

In Psalm 51, David speaks of being purged with hyssop; washed by the Lord- so that he is whiter than snow.  Hyssop was used to apply blood to the door frames during Passover- and speaks to the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood for each of us.  David seeks a clean heart and a right spirit within.  We are washed by the blood of Jesus, made whiter than snow & our hearts desire is to be renewed in Him. He cleanses our souls.

5. We are meant to be trusting in Him

There is a reminder to trust the Lord in Psalm 95 as the Israelites are called to worship.  Remembering where they had not trusted the Lord at the waters of Meribah (Exodus 17), they seek to keep their hearts soft and ready to respond to the Lord’s voice.  Do we? Do I?


The Water Collection came from these Truths I was learning.  The ways I saw God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit working through and in these psalms led to these pieces.  The navy, pink, and gray, respectively represent the Trinity and our God working in our lives.  The solid yet flexible navy weaves through space just as the Father works through all circumstances in our lives. He holds us, and these compositions together. Jesus and the Holy Spirit work with and respond to this navy color. They are intertwined, inseparable, and working as one within the white space.  This space represents our souls- ourselves- and the Lord working through each and every aspect.  

So what did I learn about God?

The Source of all Life is in Him.

-And all the preceding points? They are all made possible by Him & through Him.

Psalm 121

Psalm 63- He is the satisfier of our souls.


I’m serious, guys. If you haven’t gone over to check out this study, you should.  Such good insights. But if you do, let me know what you think- what did God teach you?


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