Most Important Thing I Learned in 2020


Where I Find My Peace

During the pandemic in 2020, I soon found the safest place for me was away from the news and the opinion of everyone I know.  The Shelter Collection was created during this season. Named such because the Lord proved Himself faithful and my safe place.  

A collection always begins with my study of Scripture.  And as I learned about the Lord as my Shelter, it became part of my way of thinking and the way I saw the world. The Lord was teaching me that he is my Shelter.  Focusing on Him rather than the situation gives such freedom. He carries the heavy burdens.

I found the safest place was at Jesus’ feet.

Let me tell you about this safe place. 

Refuge, Elizabeth Hodes, 2020

Refuge, Elizabeth Hodes, 2020

1. God is my Refuge to Run to

Like David in Psalm 61, I found that dwelling and spending time in God’s Word was a comfort when times were so uncertain.  He always stays the same, always unchangeable. In this piece, the sticks and brown collage paper are stitched together to symbolize the rest that we dwell in forever.  The hand stitched burlap represents man, as the Lord stitches our lives together, nestled under the shelter. 

2. God is my God

A Welcome, Elizabeth Hodes, 2020.

A Welcome, Elizabeth Hodes, 2020.

Just as David found a safe space with the Lord, Habakkuk 2:20 speaks of the heart attitude of rest and submission before the Lord.  I found the Lord welcoming me as I sat in His presence in the quiet  (or not so quiet) moments of my day.

The leaf in this piece gently invades the space where four rectangles dwell.  A peaceful reminder that the Lord welcomes me into intimate fellowship with Him.

3.God is my Rock

Shelter, Elizabeth Hodes, 2020.

Shelter, Elizabeth Hodes, 2020.

When I seek the Lord as my shelter, and I hide myself there, He conceals me and lifts me high on a rock. My God is Himself a solid place to stand.

A visual representation of the shelter in the Lord’s presence.  The smaller brown collage figure with the safe canvas space stands beside the larger, protective twine figure.

4. God is my Security

Psalm 16:9

Assurances, Elizabeth Hodes 2020.

Assurances, Elizabeth Hodes 2020.

There in the Lord’s tent David found a source of joy in the midst of uncertain circumstances.  The security found in the Lord allows for freedom from fear. The assurances of His word and fact that we can depend on it completely. In Isaiah 55:11, it says,

Oh shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;

     it shall not return to me empty,

but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,

     and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

The horizontal cork and brown paper ground is a solid place on which to stand.  

Stronghold, Elizabeth Hodes, 2020

Stronghold, Elizabeth Hodes, 2020

5. God is my Shield

I found the Lord to be steadfast, a shield and a fortress as I ran to Him as my shelter.  The geometric squares create a space in which to run. There you find He is your stronghold and will not fail.  

6. God is my Ground to Stand on

Covenant Promises, Elizabeth Hodes, 2020.

Covenant Promises, Elizabeth Hodes, 2020.

What a comfort and joy it is to know this Truth.  To know His promises to us- a solid ground when all else is sinking sand.  Moses reminds Joshua in Deuteronomy 31:6 not to fear, because the Lord will be with him wherever he goes. He won’t ever forsake the Israelites, and this is true for us today too. 

Reminiscent of the Trinity with three small white stones- stitched onto the collage paper, just as the Lord stitches our lives together.  The vertical driftwood space to the access we now have to the Father through Crhist’s work on the cross. 

In Silence, Elizabeth Hodes, 2020.

In Silence, Elizabeth Hodes, 2020.

7. God is my Strength

I found my heart’s attitude was so important. In Isaiah 30:15, it speaks of the idea of repentance and rest bringing salvation- in quietness and trust before the Lord I found strength to stand . I found He was dependable & in submission to Him, I lay all my worries and concerns at His feet.  The collage papers create a tunnel that draws the viewer into His presence with a quiet heart.  The shimmery gold accents represent the Lord’s presence throughout.

8. God’s Presence is my Shelter

What rest there is to dwell and remain in the shelter of the Most High- to abide (forever) in the shadow of the Almighty!   The horizontal arrangement of this composition further symbolizes the peace and calm in the Lord’s presence.  

Substance of Rest, Elizabeth Hodes, 2020.

Substance of Rest, Elizabeth Hodes, 2020.

I kept coming back to Psalm 91, throughout this season.  Always it’s His presence. He is Emmanuel, God with us. He is the Source of and the Reason all these Truths are possible.  Amazing to me that the Creator of everything desired a relationship with me- with you. What other god has valued us so much that he made a way to be with them forever? 

Always, my artwork is an invitation to the viewer.  Here, each piece invites you to hide yourself under the wings of a God who is completely Sovereign and more than able to be our everything.  Won’t you join me here?

I’ve included this free instant download Bible study on Psalm 91- If you haven’t studied the Bible, God’s very words to us, and you want to, please feel free to use it and dive in!

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But do let me know what the Lord teaches you, won’t you?

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High with abide in the shadow of the Almighty
— Psalm 91:1

5 Things I learned About God’s Presence


5 Things I learned In My Study of Psalms